444 Brickell Ave – An Active Archaeological Site
There has been a major archeological dig underway at 444 Brickell Ave. The site has so far yielded multiple prehistoric artifacts such as bone arrow points and pins, drilled shark teeth, pumice, pottery shards and human remains. The site has been uncovering evidence of human occupation dating back more than 7,000 years, which is earlier than previously known.

On this Site Jorge Perez and Partners plan to build “Baccarat” a mixed use development which will have a tower as high as 82 stories.
” Baccarat proudly presents its first collection of residences to the Miami market. Illuminated by the infinite shimmer of the sun, this soaring tower will stand radiant on the waterfront where the river meets the bay, in the heart of the glittering lights of the city Combining the best of Brickell with enlightened design, artful service and enlivening waterfront amenities.

“The importance of this site isn’t just the artifacts, but also the record they provide, going back thousands of years, long before the Roman Empire, all the way back to the emergence of cities in Mesopotamia. It’s evidence of continuous indigenous settlement along the river for much longer than had previously been believed. “By any measure, this is an early manifestation of human activity,” William Pestle, an archaeologist and chairman of the anthropology department at the University of Miami, told the Herald. “This is legitimately old.”
Judging by the recent history of Miami development with the ongoing destruction of our historical sites we will likely see the Baccarat. But should we?